




2. 英国脱欧后经济增长放缓

3. 中美贸易战影响全球供应链

4. 欧盟成员国就气候变化达成共识

5. 印度和巴基斯坦边境冲突升级

6. 北韩领导人金正恩再次访问中国

7. 澳大利亚野火危机持续蔓延

8. 非洲疫苗接种计划遭遇挑战

9. 日本首相安倍晋三辞职引发震动


11.Switzerland votes on gun control referendum,

12.Israel and UAE establish diplomatic ties,

13.The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread worldwide,

14.The United States holds presidential election debates,

15.Greece and Turkey agree to resume talks over maritime borders,

16.France passes law requiring large companies to have at least one-third female board members by the end of the year,

17.North Korea conducts its first missile test since October, sparking concern from international leaders,

18.Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison announces a new climate change policy with a focus on reducing emissions,

19.Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announce they will step back as senior members of the royal family in March,

20.Japan's Emperor Naruhito expresses his support for LGBTQ+ rights during a speech marking the start of spring.
