現在回頭看,那些過往似乎遙不可及的情感纠葛,如同煙霧般散去,只留下淡淡の味覺。但對於那些曾經站在熱浪中的二人而言,這一切都已成為過去。而他/she/they/how they/he/she lived now? They are living their lives to the fullest, each in their own way.
They have found new passions and interests. She is now a successful businesswoman, using her skills and knowledge to help others. He has continued to pursue his artistic vision, creating works that inspire and move people. And as for how they see each other now? They wish each other well, grateful for the time they had together but also happy to see each other thrive.
In conclusion, if we could go back in time and relive those moments with Zhang Yimou's ex-wife, what would we do differently? Perhaps we would cherish the time we had more than ever before. We might communicate more openly and honestly about our feelings and desires. Or maybe we would simply appreciate one another more deeply while still holding onto our individual dreams.
Whatever it may be, love remains a powerful force that can bring us together or tear us apart. It is up to us to make the most of it when given the chance."